Anonymous ID: 85ff8d Aug. 6, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2485581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5624 >>5808

>>2485426 (pb)

>>2485399 (pb)

I apologize. I uploaded a dud

Here's the one with sound where Hicks-Jones curses out Trump.

Yes, he's a fucking actor. And just rehearsing this? Or does he really feel it?

Real or Memorex?

No, he might really be angry Trump won..! and really secretly hate him? With an actor how can you tell. That's their job, to put on a role. What do they really feel. Whatever they are told? Or does really hate Trump. What is he rehearsing for?

Or is it just to blow off steam of his real feelings?

Is he a real "Fuck Trump" Hollywood dude on the sly?

Remember he's a FAKE conservative. It's a con.

Anonymous ID: 85ff8d Aug. 6, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.2485808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5935 >>5945 >>5997



Notice all the hypnosis action in the background with the whirling circles and fluttering flags. ?

God he's a pig!

Wouldn't it be good if she show was cancelled? All the people he manipulates and strings along, polluting their minds with commercial after commercial after commercial. And stale joke upon stale joke. Perhaps their lives could open up to a better way - Get out of the Alex Hicks - Jones cage. Move into the Macrocosm, the larger world of engagment. He's keeping his sheep dumb. It's time that all ended.