Anonymous ID: e9ba7f Aug. 6, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.2485867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous - The Zionist Plot

We, the 99%, are moving closer towards losing all total power of Inventory & Control - the Action plan! #Agenda21 no more elections, no more property, including ownership of your own body and mind #RFIDchip #NewWorldOrder #Globalism Globalists have gotten together over centuries and secretly conspired against the interests of freedom and rights granted towards the individual, you and I. Everything is going to be regulated, even family life and lifestyle and your consumption of energy and food/diet. Humanity is getting their wings clipped, re-engineered to be perfectly ok with being domesticated and treated like pets or livestock to the families of Globalists ruling the majority. We are moving far away from a natural human experience and being forced to accept a synthetic experience of life, one that smashes our faces head first into transhumanism and placing 100% reliance on modern technology and 100% reliance on power structures managed by the ruling class. Research now and learn more on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, read through their sugar coated text, gather details and connect the dots to current legislations passed. We have less than 4 years to prepare our resistance to overthrow this choke-hold on the middle class and freedoms that every individual is born with their right to their own pursuit of living and happiness.