Anonymous ID: f759d0 Aug. 6, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.2485755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862 >>5895 >>6049 >>6174

>Justin Castreau's handler

I've posted this before, but I guess everyone was distracted by muh free tiddies.


>After Margaret ran off with the Rolling Stones in 1977, the marriage was over.

>Soon after, as a single father, Pierre turned to a York University sociologist, John Seeley, for parental advice.

>John Seeley, a selfproclaimed 'sadist and pedophile' would fly up to Ottawa on weekends to "advise" Pierre on how he should be raising his three sons. Justin was six."

> html > (


>He is very messed up indeed, and it doesn't help that he has a lot of scumbags in his life. Not just the cynical hangerson like Svengali Butts, or the old Liberal stringpullers from dad's circle, like Martin and Chretien, all of whom are pretty much just exploiting the boy for political purposes, but other unscrupulous players involved in certifiably deviant behavior. Justin's former colleague at the faculty of prestigious WestPoint Grey Academy prep school (no affiliation with the U.S. Army AFAIK, but then again who knows), the former minorleague hockey player Chris Ingvaldson (, is a convicted pedophile. So was another close friend of the Trudeau family, Ben Levin (, a child psychologist who drafted Ontario's perverted sexed curriculum ( html), who himself was, eh, "mentored" (hm…) by the aforementioned John Seeley. Kathy Wynne, the transphilic militant lesbian premier of Ontario, took over the mantle for Levin in pushing for the curricular "reforms" that brave souls like Jordan Peterson have been speaking out against. Wynne and the socialsciences faculty at U of Toronto have declared war on Peterson as a result of his "toxic, antitrans bigotry," or what Peterson would likely sum up as "your bullshit is antiscientific and downright disturbing."


Lotta pedovores to dig on here.