Anonymous ID: 85322b Aug. 6, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2486658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The anarchist hacking group slammed the QAnon conspiracy as potentially dangerous and driven by a “brainless political agenda” in a video posted Sunday to what is widely considered the most reliable Anonymous Twitter account."

Yes, they are all government agents, like "Al Queada" "Isis" Government created.

We've known this for 20 years,

The "black flag" [anarchist] column is co-opted. It's a government op.

We've been told we are safe and I believe it. They are just grandstanding to save face and per orders.

They are spiritually nihilists and have no respect for law.

They are why many people wrongly feel the motives are always wrong for being Anonymous. So they give people who really need to be Anonymous, a bad name

Many progressives idolize "Anonymous" that was arranged on purpose; deliberate.

So they don't want the positive cred which adheres on our Anons - gold star researchers - (those who are involved with unpacking Q messages) to seep onto the rep of the Anonymous Black Flag violent column, because that could put their followers on a different track and be very very bad for the Cabal

The "Anonymous" with Guy Fawkes masks, are very connected with the more recent ANTIFA - same thugs, different name.

>>2484002 (pb) from a previous notable;

how Jones - Hicks is the equivalent of a protection racket for a criminal gang.

can't believe these disgusting agents of Hicks - Jones ass-kissing love are on here trying to make people feel ashamed and guilty for not going to HICKS-JONES DEFENSE BECAUSE HES ALLEGEDLY HAVING HIS SPEECH RIGHTS TROMPED UPON.

He's fucking trampled on our speech rights for 15 years!

He's off the charts.

Here's a claymation Alt Alex Jones Show; only a few minutes long. Sorry if you've seen this before but most people have not.


>>2486358 proven in a Court of Law FAKE NEWS

>>2486358 I've got some back up.

It's about time Hail Q. Hail President Donald Trump Hail Gold Star Anons Pepe peeps.