And he immediately flipped back. How are you so sure Jones was turning on him rather than acting a role out? Trump needed "base outrage" to fight off those in the cabinet who wanted to use the strike as the first of a whole new sequence. That's the RINO infiltration.
Makes you wonder why the faggot kike leftists in university faculty reading the board right now don't kill themselves as they know it's their only way out.
>no worries for AJ
>banned by 6 big tech sites on same day
>totes not shilling fellow goys
Commie professors won't be able to hide if they crawl under the earth anon.
>Well, AJ , Zero Hedge and many many others are outlets for Russian Times
>niggerbrain leftist grammar
>trying the muh russia narrative here
Their black nigger interns are really fucking up badly.
Leftist professors are being "tied off" by their chiNese chiCom handlers?
Maybe he had a source? So what? You jump up and down like a menstrating woman with no children from NYC. Big internet sites are setting the precedent for mass online censorship and you think your nigger tier propaganda is going to spin here faggot?
Funny but circumstantial. His ACTIONS are mostly good unlike the faggot child raping fake pope and corrupt politician.