can someone do an easy quick breakdown of the law of one please?
for your favorite homo?
can someone do an easy quick breakdown of the law of one please?
for your favorite homo?
i've heard people say they think the royal family truly believes that Kate's baby is Lucifer reincarnated.
this is why she wore the rosemary's baby dress…..
from sources in hwood.
this is horrifying.
metaphysics is a hell of a drug.
i really think kappy is legit…
yeah you guys need to chill with that…..
not EVERYONE is a pedo.
i mean alot of super elites prob are.
but throwing around allegations without anymore proof than a picture of people at a donut shop which i admit is a strange place is kinda not legit.
isaac green went after kappy saying he was a psyop…
i really think that legitimizes things..
isaac green has a satanic birthday cake for christs sake.
it seems the pedo shit is alot more prevalent in movies than TV…
no but you know what i mean…
if shit hit the fan you could be sued for defamation.
I would say that's what Q meant when he said we're now mainstream HANDLE WITH CARE.
god is coming !
hooooooray !
repent while you can :)