Anonymous ID: a7919d Aug. 6, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.2489373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9450 >>9600 >>9706 >>9803 >>0015

Here's a redpill for patriots that some on this board still need to grasp.


The splitting of the population into the republican and democrat parties is far more sinister than just pitting the population against each other instead letting them work together against the powers that be.

The splitting of the parties is actually the splitting of two key components of our constitution and painting them as mutually exclusive. These components were then twisted into perverted ideals that actually work against American principles. That means that any patriot, depending on their personality and inclinations, can latch on to either party, see the part of the American virtues that party represents while seeing the perverted and backwards message of the other party. Both parties are right in their own way, but both actively work against American values when operating independently.

Republicans latch on to creating structures, from the conceptual like the free-market or the concrete boundaries like law, as means to maximize and preserve well-being, freedom, and liberty for the individual and safeguard against that which subverts those principles.

Democrats latch on to concern for individuals whose rights and liberties are actively and unfairly infringed upon by others and railing against that which does so.

The exact same goal, different focuses.

However, the democrats have had their focus perverted into being concerned for any inequality whatsoever, even when those rights and principles are not being infringed upon. The republicans' focus has been perverted into preserving the noble structures, even when they are organized in such a way that genuinely does infringe upon the rights of others.

This makes it look like Republicans care more about hierarchies than people, and it makes it look like Democrats care more about keeping everyone at the starting line then letting someone run faster than another.

Both have been trained to demonize the focus of the other. Republicans have learned to ignore legitimate victims and defend corrupt structures, and the Democrats have learned to try to dismantle structures that preserve law, order, and maximize total well being and human potential.

We have been tricked into both attacking different safeguards that protect our freedoms and abide by the constitution, all while ensuring that half the population is in conflict with the other half, and we never actually achieve the society our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Further, democrats have caused republicans to scoff at the idea of victims and republicans have caused democrats to be resentful of the idea of success and progress.

What we need to do is preserve these structures and hierarchies while course correcting immediately when they genuinely run counter to our goals and create actual victims or become intentionally corrupted by immoral people with subversive goals.


Imagine a world in which diet and exercise were pitted against each other as mutually exclusive in this way. Both approaches have the goal of a healthier human body. However, if we actively work against the approach of the other perspective, you have people who are exercising but deliberately not getting the nutrition they need and undoing the positive effects of the exercise or doing so much damage the exercise doesn't matter. Those who diet but actively attempt to be sedentary do the same. Both have statistics on why their side makes logical sense as a healthy approach, and both can observe that the others' approach appears to be counter-productive. Both feel justified in being critical of the other, and believing their approach is correct.

But both are missing a critical component. Diet and exercise are not working against each other, and acting as though they are helps no one achieve their goal (unless there's someone whose goal is for you to NOT be health). What needs to happen is a union of the best of both approaches.


There should be no Democrats and Republicans working against each other. There should only be constitutionalism. Patriotism. If we actually abide by the constitution, the goals of both parties (before either were subverted, perverted, and radicalized) will be met.

We all hate the two-party system. But the solution isn't a different two party system, and its certainly not more parties to choose from. America already has a guiding philosophy. There is very little to actually differ on and debate about. The solution is no parties whatsoever.

All we need an educated population who care about setting up this society by the beautiful guidelines of the constitution, to maximize potential and well-being, and minimize infringement on individual liberty, and patriotic individuals to represent us and implement our common ideals according to that which was laid out for us by our founding fathers.

Anonymous ID: a7919d Aug. 6, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2489461   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Because those without morals are more likely to use subversive methods to get into positions of power or that earn them wealth. And unfortunately, immoral methods of getting ahead are more effective than moral methods.

And once a system is corrupted by the immoral actors at positions of influence, they actively put in measures to keep people rising to the top through legitimate means alone.


That should be changing soon, thanks to this movement.

Anonymous ID: a7919d Aug. 6, 2018, 7:10 p.m. No.2489650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9719 >>9899

Could we be watching Operation Mockingbird being taken down before our eyes?


About InfoWars being banned: I'm trying to figure out the significance. If they're legit, this is obviously censorship of the opposition by the powers that be.

However, I think anons will agree there is at least significant chance they are controlled opposition by Mockingbird. In which case, this signals something completely different.

In the case of the pedophile rings being taken down, we understand the plan. They can't go right for Hussein and Bono, who the public idolizes and trusts, or it will cause massive unrest. They go after who the public expects first–the cartels, the no-named criminals, etc. Then they go after those the public doesn't necessarily expect, but isn't surprised by: the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, leaders of organized religion, etc. Working their way to the shocking people once the public is primed to know it happens everywhere, and sometimes in places you'd least expect.


Could this be the strategy with dismantling the Mockingbird media? You can't just start with shutting down all of CNN. The public expects InfoWars to be shut down, and doesn't bat an eye. Then you move on to slightly more mainstream, but not exactly newspapers/shows with massive viewer bases or that have trusted reputations, and once the public starts catching on that things presenting themselves as news media are in fact paid for propaganda, you expose the big players.

We could finally be witnessing the implementation of the take down of Mockingbird.

Alex Jones going down obviously doesn't seem like politically motivated revenge from the Trump administration, like CNN going down would (to the general public). Just like exposing NXIVM doesn't seem like politically motivated revenge the way that arresting Hillary Clinton or Hussein would.

It depends on whether or not Alex Jones is legit.

Anonymous ID: a7919d Aug. 6, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2489787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sure. The pitting of the democrats and republicans against each other basically amounts to pitting good against good in such a way that they both become evil.

Both parties, at their core (not their present day reality) represent a different foundational necessity laid out in our constitution. Principles that should and do work in harmony with each other when properly understood.

What has been accomplished is that both parties are now actively fighting against one foundational part of our constitution and subverting American ideals.

Further, the principles each party was initially defending have been perverted. All we have as a result is an organized system of conflict between Americans, unknowingly both fighting against our own interests and the constitution.