Are you jews so stingy with your hard drive space that you can only store one image that you post over and over every fucking bread? No fucking creativity whatsoever.
IDGAF about AJ faggot, just your inability to use a different meme for once you fucking smooth brain.
AJ is a fucking KIKE SHILL who married a kike and every fucking advertiser on his site is a kike too. He is controlled opposition and always was. Everyone here knows that and ignores you stupid niggers who keep posting about it. KYS.
Nothing more racist or supremacist than thinking you're god's chosen.
>Those who remind everyone about the JQ are all jews.
Put a bullet in your head you kike shill.
Imagine thinking you can wave off the JQ at this point.
3 million retarded kike worshipers? Who gives a fuck?
My fellow whites, we must deebly goncern ourselves with Alex Jonestein, it' very important we waste many a bread masturbating about him.
awww someone missed their shipment of super male vitality.
>anyone who denounces kikes is a kike
put a bullet in your head for thinking that ever worked.