Same in the UK - dairy farmers going out of business. Have to sell milk for less than it costs to produce. I think some of that is due to price fixing (which shouldn't happen but does) by big supermarkets like Tesco and Asda etc
You've got to learn to think for yourself. Don't ask for others to pre-censor stuff that might offend - that way lies propaganda and slavery.
It's the job of all of every individual to learn to judge/discern good from evil, right from wrong, nutcase wackos from truthers. Handing over to others our responsibility to monitor those whom we elect to serve us in government is how we got in this mess in the first place.
Government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people.
We the people forgot how to play our part. But we're re-learning fast.
>He deserves our support. Even if you don't like his style, our first amendment is on the line.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
Anyway, I'm indebted to AJ and GW (both of whom get a hard time from anons) as it was via them that I arrived on the chans just in time for the first Q drop.