Anonymous ID: 48219e Aug. 7, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2493790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3811 >>3812

Iran dismisses US talks offer as Trump reimposes sanctions


7 Aug 2018


Tehran (AFP) – Iran dismissed a US offer to renegotiate a historic 2015 nuclear deal signed with other major powers as President Donald Trump reimposed crippling sanctions on Tuesday.


Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement in May has infuriated European partners who were determined to keep it alive and now find their businesses operating in Iran faced with the threat of US legal penalties.


The sanctions that went into effect on Tuesday target Iranian access to US banknotes and key economic sectors including cars and carpets.


Much of the damage has already been done, with Trump’s aggressive rhetoric fuelling a run on the rial in recent months, while worsening inflation has stoked public protests against the government’s management of the economy that have intensified over the past week.


Most Iranians see US hostility as a basic fact of life, so their frustration is largely directed at their own leaders for not handling the situation better.


“Prices have been increasing for three or four months and everything we need has become so expensive, even before sanctions returned,” said Yasaman, a 31-year-old photographer in Tehran.


He said Iran’s leaders may need to “drink the poison cup” and negotiate with the US.


In a statement on Monday just hours before the sanctions went back into force, Trump said: “The Iranian regime faces a choice.


“Either change its threatening, destabilising behaviour and reintegrate with the global economy, or continue down a path of economic isolation.


“I remain open to reaching a more comprehensive deal that addresses the full range of the regime’s malign activities, including its ballistic missile programme and its support for terrorism,” Trump said.


But his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani dismissed the idea of talks while crippling sanctions were in force.


Iranian people welcome Trumps move

Anonymous ID: 48219e Aug. 7, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.2493845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862 >>3951 >>3985

Star witness against Manafort admits embezzling from him


ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — One day after coming face-to-face in federal court with his longtime boss, Rick Gates returns to the witness stand as the government’s star witness in the financial fraud trial of President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman.


Gates, in hours of hugely anticipated testimony, calmly acknowledged having embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from Paul Manafort and said the two had committed crimes together by stashing money in foreign bank accounts and falsifying bank loan documents.


Prosecutors summoned Gates, described by witnesses as Manafort’s “right-hand man,” to give jurors the direct account of a co-conspirator they say carried out an elaborate offshore tax-evasion and fraud scheme on behalf of his boss.


Manafort and Gates were the first two people indicted in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. But Gates pleaded guilty months later and agreed to cooperate in Mueller’s investigation of Manafort, the only American charged by the special counsel to opt for trial instead of a guilty plea.


Gates is expected to continue testifying for several hours Tuesday and is expected to face a bruising cross-examination as defense lawyers try to undercut his credibility and pin the blame on him. His testimony, given in short, clipped answers as Manafort rarely broke his gaze from the witness stand, follows that of vendors who detailed Manafort’s luxurious spending and financial professionals who told jurors how the defendant hid millions of dollars in offshore accounts.


Gates, who is awaiting sentencing, told jurors that he siphoned off the money without Manafort’s knowledge by filing false expense reports. He also admitted to concealing millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts on Manafort’s behalf and to falsifying loan applications and other documents to help Manafort obtain more in bank loans.


“We didn’t report the income or the foreign bank accounts,” Gates told jurors, noting that he knew he and Manafort were committing crimes each time.


Gates, who also served in a senior role in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, read off the names of more than a dozen shell companies he and Manafort set up in Cyprus, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the United Kingdom to stash the proceeds of Manafort’s Ukrainian political consulting work.


Gates, who also served in a senior role in Trump’s presidential campaign, said he repeatedly lied to conceal the bank accounts and, at Manafort’s direction, would classify money that came in as either a loan or income to reduce Manafort’s tax burden.


The criminal case has nothing to do with either man’s work for the Trump campaign and there’s been no discussion during the trial about whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia — the central question Mueller’s team has tried to answer. But Trump has shown interest in the proceedings, tweeting support for Manafort and suggesting he had been treated worse than gangster Al Capone.


U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, who repeatedly interrupted prosecutors last week as they tried to present evidence about Manafort’s lavish life such as $900,000 in expensive suits and a $15,000 ostrich jacket, clashed again with prosecutor Greg Andres on Monday when Andres delved into the status and identities of the Eastern Europeans who made payments to Manafort.


Ellis said all that’s relevant is that Manafort was paid and whether he hid the income from the IRS.


“It doesn’t matter whether these are good people, bad people, oligarchs, Mafia. … You don’t need to throw mud at these people,” Ellis said.


Andres said he was entitled to show the jury why Manafort was getting tens of millions of dollars in payments.


“When we try to describe the work, Your Honor stops us and tell us to move on,” he said.


Prosecutors say Manafort used those companies to stash millions of dollars from his Ukrainian consulting work, proceeds he omitted year after year from his income tax returns. Later, they say, when that income dwindled, Manafort launched a different scheme, shoring up his struggling finances by using doctored documents to obtain millions more in bank loans.


All told, prosecutors allege that Manafort failed to report a “significant percentage” of the more than $60 million they say he received from Ukrainians. They aimed to show jurors how that money flowed from more than a dozen shell companies used to stash the income in Cyprus.


Kangaroo Court


Anonymous ID: 48219e Aug. 7, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.2493925   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is one courtroom I would love to be in observing the antics. This judge is a bit of a wit and lam-bast's Muellers team repeatedly.


Thing is, Muellers team was describing people like Soros and Koch brothers having supplied funds to Manafort. But the judge didn't want them to mention them.


Judge essentially called them mafia but said they had no bearing on the case.