ERIE — Erie Catholic Bishop Lawrence Persico has presided over a sweeping internal investigation of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Diocese of Erie. And in a move unprecedented nationwide, he has released more than 60 names of clergy and laypeople accused of abuse or other misconduct in the 13-county diocese.
But even Persico said he was unaware of some information on the Erie diocese included in the grand jury report that could be released to the public as early as Wednesday — a report that will be more comprehensive after retired Erie Catholic Bishop Donald W. Trautman dropped his objections to it on Friday.
Asked in a recent interview whether there were items in the report that he did not know about or that surprised him, Persico said, "Yes, there were."
The extent of the grand jury's findings on the Erie diocese — as well as on other five Pennsylvania Roman Catholic dioceses that were under investigation — will finally become clear to the public on Wednesday or by Aug. 14, the two deadlines the state Supreme Court set for the release of the nearly 900-page grand jury report.
Persico and the bishops of the other dioceses received copies of the report in advance, and they are still bound by grand jury secrecy rules until the release of the report. It examines allegations of clergy sexual abuse of minors and how the dioceses handled the cases.
But speaking in general, Persico said the report — which includes the names of more than 300 "predator priests" statewide, according to the limited information the Supreme Court has disclosed — is replete with specific details about what the grand jury found.
Those who read the report, said Persico, the only bishop to testify before the grand jury, "will see that the report is very sobering, that the report contains a lot of explicit details — some of it they may actually find shocking in the details."
"It's not an easy read," Persico said.