France Passes Law Saying Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults
Why did France’s government vote against having an age of consent? The answer is obvious. Muhammad married his favorite wife Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when Aisha was nine. Since Muhammad did that, and since he is the “excellent example” for all Muslims to follow, child marriage is acceptable in Islam. This is a sign of France’s capitulation and Islamization. They cannot set an age of consent, because Islam doesn’t have one. This is a sign of how quickly Western values erode when our leaders do not have the will to defend them..
..Federal law in France now has no legal age of consent, meaning adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or surprise.”
The draft bill against sexual and gender-based violence, known as the Schiappa law, was signed into law by the French Parliament on 3 August, sparking outrage in France as parents and childrens’ rights groups accuse Emmanuel Macron’s government of betraying the nation’s children.