Anonymous ID: 1af2ec Aug. 7, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.2496741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6784 >>6808 >>6852 >>6866 >>7146

Interesting article from China Daily:


Once you parse away all the defiant rhetoric and the Chinese penchant for subtle innuendo, it boils down to this: China is warning it intends to promote the Democrats in the Midterms.


This is funny. Why?


They base their perspectives on what is in the "official" (i.e. cabal-controlled) press, in which it sounds like America is a bloodbath of protests and Trump hatred. They are sculpting their economic policies based on what they're seeing on CNN and the NYT – and if you believe them, America is at the brink of a Democratic revolution.


They miss the importance of the hard-core MAGA crowd and their understanding of global economics. The internets might be the haven of cute cat pictures and porn, but it also allows the intellectually curious to indulge themselves.


In their attempts to deceive the American people (and rationalize their own TDS) the Dems are misinforming the Chinese observers of actual conditions on the ground. Their threatening our cheap plastic crap and iPhones because they think we value a bargain more than long term prosperity. They figure if they can stir up the uneasy parts of Trump's base they can throw the election to the Dems, who will force Trump to stop the trade war.


That's a grave miscalculation compounding a fatal mistake. China NEEDS American markets like oxygen. Without them, they have no trade surplus to balance out their development costs and energy imports. We DON'T need cheap plastic crap, textiles, and electronics from China when there are plenty of other SEAsian nations ready to fill the gap.


Meanwhile, China is holding a staggering amount of US Treasuries. "When you owe someone a hundred bucks, it's your problem. When you owe them a million bucks, it's their problem" certainly comes into play. If China fucks with the US market too much, it will lose market share across the board, and deep in industries where competition abounds. They lose that market share, and millions go unemployed and will be forced to live at state expense.


China is getting squeezed. But they don't have a decent card to play. But look for China-related interests to step up and fund Dem house and senate races this fall . . . perhaps in violation of FEC regs. The Asian method of politics is much different than the American; they will make mistakes.