Anonymous ID: 6a88cd Aug. 7, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.2496645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why cabal pushing tranny acceptance NOW?


On top of the primary agenda of reducing the male population to sexless, spineless drones, all betas and no alphas, why the full court press on the tranny issue?


Why is it SO IMPORTANT that the normies and cucks be programmed to accepting gender fluidity and tranny rights NOW?


What if:

The cloning process, cloning humans now for probably 30+ years, has glitches

The main glitches in cloning have to do with GENDER, secondary sex characteristics.

The MAIN problem is: CANNOT produce alpha hetero males reliably!


Just like that pesticide which can change male frogs into female frogs, it is easy to destroy Nature's efforts to raise up a fully functioning male; females are the default template/


Cabal solution?

CHANGE SOCIETY to allow all of their Island of Dr Moreau/Dr Frankenstein creatures to blend in with all the confused children having their sexuality mutilated and the semi-adults who choose to become catchers instead of pitchers.


See how smart we are? says the cabal.

We turn our mistakes and crude creations into assets, to further our agenda of degrading all if humanity, so that orcs, demons and zombies become, from the perspective of the rubes, just like us


SUMMARY: Trannies and botched genders are the byproduct of human cloning, at its current state-of-the-black-art.


Make way for the cabal cloned semi-humans, peons! They are extra specially lowyal and controlled by the cabal as they need their meds to stay in their gender assignment!