Anonymous ID: 7c61e0 Aug. 7, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.2497043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've seen at least 2 hit TV shows in which they show grown men in bed with boys:


  1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - The black gay Police Captain and his white husband have an adolescent black adolescent son.

In one scene BOTH the adult "dads" are in bed sandwiching the boy in between them - very tightly like packed sardines.


  1. Hawaii Five-O - The co-star detective Dano has a young son who looks about 6 years old.

An ENTIRE Episode is framed around Dano prepping his young son for bed by telling him a bedtime story.

First they're both sitting on the floor, next scene the boy is in his small bed with Dano sitting next to the bed.

Next scene Dano is squeezed in with the boy in the tiny bed.


In both shows, the body language is very strange. The adult men's arms are held tightly by their sides up against the boy. Who lies in bed with their arms held so stiffly at their side? This is to show that the adult men are not "touching" the boys, but the fact that they are squeezed together touching from shoulder to legs is brainwashing the audience into "seeing" adult men in tight quarters with boys as "normal".

Insidious Pedo Grooming and Normalization.