Anonymous ID: 868a59 Aug. 7, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.2496769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7146

Restoring Constitutional Governance


The restoration of constitutional governance need not require a violent revolution, and we should avoid violence if possible. It can be brought about in much the way it happened in the Soviet Union.


This involves several elements:


(1) Exposure . The Shadow Government, even more than the old Soviet regime, depends on secrecy. Uncover it and it loses most of its power. We need to end black budgets, require the declassification of most classified documents, especially those pertaining to UFOs and aliens, and adopt and enforce sunshine laws to require full disclosure of not just meetings and agreements among officials, but also among major organizations of all kinds which may exercise an undue influence on political decisions. We must also require independent audits of all such organizations.


(2) Restructuring . We need to enforce strengthened anti-trust laws to break up large enterprises into many competing firms, not just two or three, and forbid interlocking directorates, beginning with the broadcast media and the press. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies need to be broken up into several competing ones, which can serve as effective checks on abuses by one another.


(2) Infiltration and defection. We need to get patriots inside key organizations and encourage insiders to become patriots. The most important are military and law enforcement organizations, whose members must be conditioned to come over to the side of the people if there is a confrontation. We must also provide effective protection for whistleblowers.


(3) Harassment. Lawsuits. Liens. Freedom of Information Act requests. Surveillance of principals. Local prosecution of federal agents.


(4) Local organization and publicity. Revive the constitutional Militia on the Swiss model, set up independent investigation teams, alternative newspapers, talk radio, alert networks. We need to inform the public on what is happening, and to reach those who now are all too willing to trust the government to protect them.


(5) Civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance. Protest demonstrations. Tax protests. Defiance of unconstitutional laws. Refusal of juries to convict.


(6) Armed resistance. This must involve non- provocative, but firm, defense of persons from illegal abuses, and exclusion of illegal governmental actions from local areas, county by county, state by state, with insistence on constitutional compliance.


(7) Transition plan. The oligarchy cannot be expected to come up with a plan for an orderly return to constitutional governance. The process must be conducted carefully, to avoid a disastrous collapse. We will need some constitutional amendments, to make legal some of the things the national government can do best. The government needs to end budget deficits and acquire the stock of the Federal Reserve.

Anonymous ID: 868a59 Aug. 7, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.2496968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7066 >>7083



Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say.

“No wonder the Mueller gang is so haughty. 500 unelected DOJ lawyers control all federal pay for their corporate overlords”

Donald Trump threatens their seditious corporatist gravy train.

Newly discovered (and cleverly hidden) Federal Register reports identify 500 unelected DOJ lawyers who control the pay for all federal workers in the United States in total stealth mode. These SES members include Bruce Ohr, the now disgraced former associate deputy attorney general who arranged the fake “dirty dossier” in collusion with British spy Christopher Steele to discredit and depose President Trump.

Now we see why. If President Trump learned about the DOJ SS 500 stranglehold on the American economy and way of life, he would surely fire them and undo their many decades of effort to take over the American Republic. With their power over federal salaries, these 500 unelected DOJ officials control the country—from inside just one agency of the U.S. government.


President Trump can end this reign of terror by lowering the pay of every member of the SES to $1. Some of these people need to go to jail. The involvement with Steele, a foreign agent, by the DOJ SES 500 makes these actions possibly treasonous, with even harsher possibilities, according to our treason law.


Who knows anything about the SES?


Almost nobody. It is the world's best kept secret. The SES are 8-10,000 highly paid federal bureaucrats who grease the skids for the Deep State shadow government. In short, they help insure that government corruption remains a perennially lucrative enterprise, free of the knowledge of, or reprisals from We The People.

The Title IV Senior Executive Service was sold to the public as a way to get experienced private sector executives to work for the federal government. The truth has been that corporate executives put their people in place at the SES, then those SES people feed contracts to their private sector cronies. In short, SES is the administrative arm of a fascist system where selected corporations profit as long as they do the bidding of their Deep State handlers.