Anonymous ID: e178a2 Aug. 7, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.2496448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6632 >>7146

So, yeah. China could fuck Apple over our tariffs. So-the-fuck-what. Go for it. Motherfucking Apple should be building here in the homeland instead of using Chinese labor to avoid taxes. China should tax the fuck outta Apple just because.


Apple could be used as a 'bargaining chip' in the trade war, Chinese state media warns

· Apple has benefited from cheap labor and strong supply chain in China which has helped it boost profit and get to a $1 trillion valuation, the state-backed People's Daily said.

· The U.S. firm should share that money with Chinese citizens, the article urged.

· Apple could be the target of "anger and nationalist sentiment" amid the ongoing trade war.