Anonymous ID: f0d01d Aug. 7, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.2496507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6809


We on Q are the vanguard of the Awakening. But I imagine we all have no idea how far the Jew lies have gone.


I feel they removed females from the Trinity and framed Eve as a way of dividing humanity from the beginning.


These Jews are just not right in the head at all. Cutting penises? Saying the rest of humanity is catttle. That the distance between a Jew and a Goy is further than the distance between a Goy and a cow?


And they write this shit down and make it their religion.


They have been fooled. They have been working for Lucifer the WHOLE fucking time.


An opinion came to after careful consideration.

Anonymous ID: f0d01d Aug. 7, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.2496875   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK. I started buying Jew food a year ago because I thought that perhaps they would be poisoning Jew food a little less than the shit they give the Goy.


I started looking up fast food places and grocery stores the Jew liked under this theory.


Who really knows? Only the Jew for now.

Anonymous ID: f0d01d Aug. 7, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.2496985   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q and the Patriots used to use Alex Jones as a way to communicate in the open without fear of reprisal.


It used to be if you named names(the Jew) you died. So people on our side in the media came up with things like Cabal, Khazar, Illuminati. It is just shorthand for Jew. With the Billions and Billions the Jew spent on their mindcontrol brainwashing "jews didt du nuffin" narrative this step was important.


Now we are transitioning to a new time. And the total truth is necessary. If your normies in your life are nowhere near ready for the Jew Question Red Pill. Go back to the code words. Globalist is a good one.


That said I feel all the shit Alex Jones does is for COVER. Normies could look at him and say…."that shit is nuts". But the Military which was Red Pilling each other one brave Patriot at a time "fightclub" style would tell each other to listen to Alex for a certain topic. They would be told to ignore any bullshit. The bullshit was for the COVER for Alex. The Jew would think how much harm could he be doing? He feeds so much bullshit no one can learn the truth.


They missed the whole point. WE wanted a way to talk in the open with "plausible denyablility"


When they figured out the truth it was too late. The sneaky python had pounced. Now every move, every struggle they make allows us to grip them all the tighter.


Ladies and Gentlemen they are dead men walking.


A long slow look at their own doom.

Anonymous ID: f0d01d Aug. 7, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.2497058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7082


God made us perfect. No need for penis cutting and Eve is perfectly half of humanity. Females are not the original sin. Jews lie. They lie, lie, lie.


If your still listening to Jews after all this your slow on the uptake.


Something very nefarious has been done to our understanding of God and the Universe. Done deliberately as a way of debasing half the population. Making women lower and more sinful. That shit is a trick. A real thought out power move. They rule by divide and conquer.


"Brainstorm" bitches. Men and Women have to work together. Not this bullshit the Jews gave us of dividing.


The movie is the esoteric belief of a lot of brave people. It is a middle finger to the Cabal. It is a declaration of war. It is a mirror of the "revealing the method".


The truth is greater than you can imagine.


Niggas we have been had. Fooled for a long time.


New time my friends. Buckle up.

Anonymous ID: f0d01d Aug. 7, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.2497113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7177


James has to be a created person. Bred like a slave. They put together some likely genes and MKULTRA'd the fucker and set his mind for more concetration during basketball.


They think this shit through real deep. They really thought you would follow the Stars. Every likely person a group(blacks) would listen to is going to be compromised. It is important. Because they CAN NOT allow the truth to get out. Their sins are so extreme that their very lives depend on it. It forces them into insanely elaborate control mechanisms.