Anonymous ID: 485fce Aug. 7, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.2497277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7316 >>7643

Anons, it has always puzzled me why this tranny issue rose up out of nowhere, basically, during the Manchurian Candidate’s illegal occupation of the Executive branch.


Why is (((cabal))) pushing tranny acceptance NOW, why the full court press on the tranny issue?


All researching anons are aware of their primary agenda: to reduce the male population to sexless, spineless drones, all betas and no alphas, and the female population into becoming even MORE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE conformists.


But, my mind kept asking: ‘’Why is it SO IMPORTANT that the normies and cucks be programmed to accepting gender fluidity and tranny special rights RIGHT NOW?”


Even before human technological hacking grew ugly, Nature has produced many near misses with regard to functional sexual dimorphism, making it crystal clear that creating viable sexual characteristics which function on many levels, is a balancing act, which has been tuned by human mating preferences over millennia.


The pesticide atrazine can change male frogs into female frogs (pic-related):

https: //


In short, it is easy to destroy Nature's efforts to raise up a fully functioning male; the female form and function is the default template.


What if:


• The cloning process, cloning humans now for probably 30+ years, has some stubborn glitches

• The main glitches in cloning have to do with GENDER, secondary sex characteristics.

• The MAIN problem is: CANNOT produce alpha hetero males reliably!

• (and, so far, no alpha queen bee females either, as we can surmise from the fugly “females” weaving for the (((cabal)))!)


(((Cabal))) solution? CHANGE SOCIETY!


Reprogram everyone’s MKUltra mind control to allow all of their Island of Dr Moreau/Frankenstein creatures to blend in with all the confused children having their sexuality mutilated and the semi-adults who choose to become catchers instead of pitchers.


See how smart we are? chortles the (((cabal))) in senile glee. We turn our mistakes and crude creations into assets, to further our agenda of degrading all of humanity, so that orcs, demons and zombies come to be seen by the enslaved, deceived rubes as just one of us.



Botched genders are byproducts of human cloning, at its current state-of-the-black-art.


Make way for the (((cabal))) cloned semi-humans, peons! They are extra specially loyal and controlled by the (((cabal))) as they need their meds to stay in their gender assignment!


Like many dark designs, this “solution” serves many agendas at once. Confuse the children, repulse the normies into their safe spaces, and pave the way for increasing the production of clones and cloned replacement players, without making a ripple in the surface of the mass mind….


Admit it anons! It is fun to be here now in this timeline and be able to fit all the pieces of the kaleidoscope together, to see the big picture and watch it change before our eyes into freedom’s new dawn!



Anonymous ID: 485fce Aug. 7, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.2497466   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Chinese Crackdown on Christians Continues as Xi Implements Plan to ‘Sinicize’ Religion



Yeah, this will end well for atheists, real or fake!

What have we learned about human nature, over and over on the boards?

What you suppress swings back, resurges into more

What you decry or complain about gets served up more


Even in non-autists, this human nature operates.

Smarted to leave in peace than officially repress, doh!