Anonymous ID: 60d8b1 Aug. 7, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.2497920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7932

I posted about them removing Trumps star, early this morning, first time in history.


Piers is right on this one ( trump have never been convicted of anything, yet people who have, are still on the walk of fame.


If Hollywood is going to strip Trump of his Walk of Fame star for sexual misconduct then when will Spacey and Cosby lose theirs?


My favourite game in this era of increasingly hysterical Trump-bashing fervor is Whataboutery.


It’s a game you can play on your own, or with friends, and involves taking shrieking liberal criticism of President Trump – and applying it to liberal heroes instead.


For example, liberals curl themselves into balls of apoplexy about Trump’s draconian tactics to deport illegal immigrants - whilst conveniently overlooking that ‘Saint’ Barack Obama threw out more than three MILLION people during his tenure, splitting up many families, and earning himself the nickname in Mexico of ‘Deporter-in-Chief’.


Then there’s liberal fury over Trump’s sexual behaviour, which is perfectly reasonable given his own unedifying admission that he’s treated women like pieces of meat. When playing ‘Whataboutery’ however, I wonder why the same liberal fury is not extended to Democratic presidential legends Bill Clinton and JFK, whose treatment of women made Trump look like a choirboy?


Or I could ask (as I did last week..) why liberals constantly rage about Trump’s ‘racist, misogynist rhetoric’, but say nothing when the New York Times just hired a columnist, Sarah Jeong, whose Twitter feed spews with the most vile, racist man-hating abuse.


The best place to play Whataboutery is in Hollywood, the seething epicentre of global Trump detestation.


I’ve been here for the past two weeks and the mere mention of Trump’s name anywhere within the confines of Greater Los Angeles provokes the kind of reaction you see when a human being is dabbed with a high voltage electric cattle prod.


So it was no surprise to wake up this morning and discover that Tinsel Town has decided to treat him worse than they have ever treated any famous person in the town’s 108-year history.


Last night, West Hollywood city council voted unanimously in favour of a motion calling for the removal of Donald Trump’s star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.