VOTL ID: 6d15b7 Invitation to Mass Meditation August 11th 2018 Aug. 7, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.2497166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257

For those who feel guided there will be a mass meditation at the moment of the maximum point of the solar eclipse on August 11th, 2018 at 9:11 AM UTC.


There have been guided videos created in 20 languages so far. Below is a promotional video for this meditation that I was guided to create:




All details, including links to the guided videos, the automatic timezone conversion for your location and more information about meditation can be found in the description.


The Cabal detests mass meditations due to their powerful positive effect on the global consciousness and world events. Please consider sharing this as far as you can in order to amplify the power of the meditation.


Thanks for checking this out everyone!


Victory of the light!

Spiders ID: 6d15b7 QAnon: "Follow The Spiders" Aug. 7, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2497299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7328 >>7363 >>7453 >>7454 >>7830 >>7841

Remember when Q mentioned the huge Maman Spider sculptures that are located around the world?




As it turns out, spider people incarnated into human bodies are at the top of the pyramid of the control structure here on Earth, based on high-level intel (included in article below) It appears that this has been disclosed to us this in TV and Movies. Here are a few examples:




Monsters Inc. = Pixar movie about multi-dimensional monsters who scare the crap out of children in order to generate fear which powers their city. The CEO is a spider/crap.


South Park = In an episode of this show Father Maxi tries to change a law which says it's okay to marry and prevent the molestation of children. The Vatican consults the Queen Spider (the highest authority per the Vatican) and she denies this request. The abuse of children would continue.


The Matrix = Machines which resemble spiders (multiple eyes and legs/tentacles) tend to humans in endless fields of 'eggs' which contain humans of various ages. This resembles what actual spiders and their eggs look like.


Babyon 5 = Sci-fi show from the 90s which features ancient black spider-looking beings called the Shadows. They infiltrated and worked directly with the Earth Government (there is only one world gov't in the show) and were incredibly evil.


Not only this but if you look at the American dollar bill you will see a little 'something' at the top right '1'. Upon further examination it appears that it could be a spider (or an owl). Although if you look at the other currency you see the designs which look like webs.


All of this is in the article mentioned above. Not mentioning this to create fear, but at some point all of us will need to contend with very disturbing information. Like Q said:


"The complete picture would put 99% of American (the World) in the hospital." -Q

Spiders ID: 6d15b7 Aug. 7, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.2497441   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agreed friend! In one episode they featured Chef being a member of a fruity club called the 'Super Adventure Club' who went around the world molesting children and gaining their energy.


They had another episode (from the beginning seasons) where this mobile book bus driver went around 'f***ing' chickens around town. Perhaps this was a reference to the code name 'chicken' meaning little boy/baby? Either way you're right about that show.

Spiders ID: 6d15b7 Aug. 7, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2497633   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Based on intel and TV show storylines Spider beings used Draco Reptilians (incarnated into human bodies here on Earth) as slaves for their empire

Spiders ID: 6d15b7 Aug. 7, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2497678   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interesting reference with the spider logo friend. It could be seen as an all encompassing symbol of spider control (notice all of the different services depicted within the spiders body and legs)