Anonymous ID: bdbc70 Aug. 7, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.2497897   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brennan email, and what it was all aboat

>>2491854 (previous bread)

>>2491808 (previous bread)



C_A emails about agents getting killed in Afghan. Reported to press as DoD to save their bacon. Worst in agency history. Either the contact they met blew them all up on him or detonated it they think (in memo).


Were these good guys that were taken out? They say never happened before.. what?


That someone turned on them or was paid to turn on them? Sounds like an assasignation to me. We all know Brennan is MB. He could have set them up for the kill easy peasy.


How often do any intelligence agency not vett their background and at least have some people there before checking spot and watching it?

Worst in history is bullshit because it was an inside job.

Not only that the memo he is talking about.. that memo sounds like the leak that let the happenings of what went on come out and put him in the hot seat. I say leak because it skipped their censorship.

What I would guess that whole document says.