Why not just use our super-sleuth skilz?
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there are 247,813,910 adults living in the United States. The total population was estimated at 321,418,820 people, with 77.1 percent of those people being over 18.
How many do we need to identify as members of the cabal before taking action.
Keep looking until we find them all?
1)Define Witch Hunt.
2) Research the Salem Witch Trials
3) What evidence was provided
4) Look in the mirror
Were there any tests done or are the just self-identified?
Does that suggest the public should consider them more credible.
Do people accept that as a sign of "superiority"?
Send us a postcard from your new home
See you there!
But once they come here they will surely see we are totally legit and serious researchers busy saving the world.
Past predicts future.