Why Q?
Anons have listed several layers of meaning, all may have some validity.
In electrical engineering, specifically electronics, Q is defined as, the formula for "Q" is Q = (2 * pi * f * L) / R
https:/ /www.electronics-tutorials.com/basics/q.htm
This factor "Q" largely determines the sharpness of resonant circuits.
Q represents the tuning quality of a circuit: is it broadly tuned or sharply tuned?
In the process of "expanding our thinking", the master plan of the great awakening is providing us training in tuning, if we actively engage.
• Tuning out the shills, trolls and hasbara
• Tuning out the inner voices of doubt and despair
• Tuning IN to the still small voice of conscience or the voice of God within
• Tuning IN to the truth telling of other sincere patriots
When the time is right to reveal all of the true science and the technology which follows from deeper understanding, will we be able effortlessly to tune in and learn the new tech?
We will, IF we do the preparatory work in support of the plan!