I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented, tortured and attempted to kill me multiple times. Filmed 24/7 to create highlight reels of drama showcasing elaborate mental breakdowns, and comedy, jokes I get now that I understand i was a sacrifice. These highlight reels are likely watched primarily after the sacrifice dies and they hold a celebration of Spirit Cooking
It's security systems that do the filming and on special days they setup the death of the sacrifice. The good guys let me know it was ADT in my case that was doing this and I believe that through satellites it goes to Epstein island where they can watch it live.
They make jokes setting up the death (for the highlight reel) symbolism before the death and they usually make the death have a chance of survival. This chance makes it likely they hold gambles on it and the theatrical element means they try novel ways to kill each person.
My sister worked under Obama two years ago and she filed the tapes of me through the E.P.A. into the D.O.E. Q Clearence. I have made police reports and FOIA'd the tapes and they will be made public soon.
Been a couple days since I answered questions here so feel free to ask them. Here's my twitter feed where I do the same https://twitter.com/watkins_2 - I wrote a summary of my life as a victim here which I add to every few days. https://acchat40.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=132667
Anyway, I'll be here for the remainder of the thread. : )