Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.2499839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9884 >>9902 >>9904 >>9928 >>9979 >>0047 >>0077 >>0240 >>0289

I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented, tortured and attempted to kill me multiple times. Filmed 24/7 to create highlight reels of drama showcasing elaborate mental breakdowns, and comedy, jokes I get now that I understand i was a sacrifice. These highlight reels are likely watched primarily after the sacrifice dies and they hold a celebration of Spirit Cooking


It's security systems that do the filming and on special days they setup the death of the sacrifice. The good guys let me know it was ADT in my case that was doing this and I believe that through satellites it goes to Epstein island where they can watch it live.


They make jokes setting up the death (for the highlight reel) symbolism before the death and they usually make the death have a chance of survival. This chance makes it likely they hold gambles on it and the theatrical element means they try novel ways to kill each person.


My sister worked under Obama two years ago and she filed the tapes of me through the E.P.A. into the D.O.E. Q Clearence. I have made police reports and FOIA'd the tapes and they will be made public soon.


Been a couple days since I answered questions here so feel free to ask them. Here's my twitter feed where I do the same - I wrote a summary of my life as a victim here which I add to every few days.


Anyway, I'll be here for the remainder of the thread. : )

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2 p.m. No.2499905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978


I don't usually talk about the spirit cooking because it's been a more recent understanding of how the cult operates. I'm just a victim I wasn't made privy to any of the details so I know what I experienced and what I've learned by researching - and this fits the bill for what they would have done if I had died - anyway, it was the first image I found of it anyway haha if I had a nipples version I would have posted it

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2499953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0167



thank you : ) - wow, it's Saturday at a decent time for shills and rather than get a gaggle of them I get two nice people right off the bat : ) I'm very happy about that, and I got a code on my phone from the good guys an hour ago - a call from Basalt - - which is a rapidly cooling as a primary description - it was to let me know the MSM Fire (cult code) is running out and it's all cooling down now. - It also might be a code since I'm hiding out in California that the wildfires are under control now, I'd be happy for either news.

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.2500083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0218


the cult chemically experimented on me when I was very young and so I think they kept me off of medications to test that - but anyway I wasn't ever on any with a small exception a few years back that's irrelevant - but I'm not on any now nor in the past few months nor during childhood when i was experimented on the most.


Most of the other victims I met at the facility were on tons of meds tho, well my dad was also a victim of it and was a terrible drunk who was abusive (or so my cultist mother and sister would tell me) and that put a fear in me of all alcohol, tobacco, drugs and everything. - So, well, I think that's been something unique about me in relation to most victims who are sacrificed - I was literally the only one at the facility that didn't have medications and didn't smoke. - welp I hope that answered your question - I do have some pretty severe autism tho - so it may seem like I'm on meds? I'm not sure.

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.2500136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0191


that's a tricky one. I only had one friend the cult ever gave me growing up,, the owl meant to watch over me and over time just like the other victims I kind of got obsessed with the owl (it's a form of control and also people to get us to where we need to be for the cameras) and so I have a voice in my head that has his voice and that's my logical side. One could call it some kind of disorder but I don't know, I think I'm ok : ) just a little depressed at times thinking about bad times - and I remember everything - I have some things I haven't talked about yet because they are a little too traumatic for me to yet, I literally convulse and shake involuntarily when I think about them so that's off topic for now. But I talk about most of it.


They never actually told me anything tho, the victims are all closed eyes to the cult so we don't know a damn thing about the cult except we have shitty lives and are nearly killed all the time.


Well, I hope I answered your question : ) I could type a lot longer to answer it but I'm just not sure how much to say about this

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.2500186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0330 >>0348


I am, tho my family has another victim in it that's too bullheaded to realize it. I'd like to get through to her but well, I had to tell all the victims at the facility and some were harder to get through than others. It's why so few victims exist in society because ALL of them are very well controlled by many safeguards - they put owls around us (friends who aren't friends) to watch us and if ever need be can take us out themselves. Untangling this web of people around us that can and will kill us must be a nightmare for the good guys, I'm very grateful they were patient enough to help me.


so… what was your question again? I think I went off on a tangent sorry haha but i'm doing ok today. only 1 shill so far, that's a good ratio for me!

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.2500248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0288


I am confident there's going to be a lot of good times for the victims. They even sent me a code that I can translate into meaning there will be some serious money from a class action lawsuit coming our way… but well, I don't know if the happy ending the good guys are planning for us is for me or not. I imagine a few might even check out when they realize the full gravity of the crimes committed against them but I'm at least going to stick with life until I can at least see the world without the cult.


Then I'll see if I want to keep living : ) I hope that doesn't sound too sad, I just want o be honest about this and I would be lying if i said I am super happy and want to live forever or some BS. But I'm willing to give life a shot anyway. I was suicidal for so much of my life and it's easy to get back into that mindset but I don't want to and I don't think there's a reason to anymore.

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.2500272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They had us talk to a nutritionist at the facility and because of that I'm taking magnesium and Zinc. I could try more stuff but I think these are having a good impact on me. : )

Anonymous ID: 6eb879 Aug. 7, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.2500347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My grandfather owned tons of land and farms in Georgia and when he divorced his cultist wife it seems to be the start of much of my bad times. Tho it's unclear to me how much was a result of that and just general sacrifical practices of the cult. I know our family was only allowed to have the 1 cultist - my older sister - and I think it's that way for most lower end cult families.


As for international? Yea, and the other victims too, my bloodline goes back to former presidents they told me and all sorts of people - I know there's some head honchos at dreamworks in my family and owners of a major branch of car company and then we own our own streets with our names - but as said, that wasn't the life I got - I lived in a trailer growing up because well, that's complicated, a rich family and then having the cult pissed of at the divorce meant a cast out kind of thing I think. I don't know all the details yet. ok I think that answers your question I can talk about this as well for many more paragraphs so let me know if you want further clarification cause it's a big subject


oh any my family definitely wasn't recruited to do dirty work it goes back very far in the blood.


Both my grandmother's - one of my grandfather's and so on up the chain,