in the meantime:
I've been doing some digging re: midterms
GA has a SWAMP CLOWN that has grabbed the attention of all the Atlanta metro attention/vote…
heres what I've got so far:
QUOTES/NOTES re: @StaceyAbrams
not trying to flip Trump voters/attracting republican votes.. but focusing on dem turn out
-" we've seen happen last few years, candidates that pretending to be something they are not,
trying to convince those who do not agree with them, that somehow this time 'its real'
-"my approach is… Every democratic voter we can get, especially those who dont think their voice matters.
and freethinkers who realize they are heading down the wrong path if they don't vote for a democrat this time."
realize wrong path if they dont vote dem – #NeverTrump , AGAINST #MAGA
freethinkers who think their voice doesnt matter – those who are not part of Trump camp,
and see Trump #DrainingSwamp around them… many people will be exposed/replaced and will lose lots of money if Trump pulls off the plan
"necessity to give voice to those who feel voiceless. We have to have more 'leadership' in this country. use position of Gov to say 'your welcome' 'you belong' …2020 is coming. "
"Our moment, our chance to lift up GA. if we fight, if we push, if we work, we will win."
58% GA is white
rural have given up on Dem party
553,397 votes (D)
607,660 (R)
big part of our campaign, what we are so excited about.
unprecedented turnout for dem primary, just tip of iceberg building a 'coalition of voters' of color. Rural is diverse as suburban georgia.
our mission is to bring together 'democrats' from every wing, every community, as well as 'independant thinkers', we know together we have the coalition we need to win. talking about 200-250K votes, more than enough of us to get the victory
2000 Bush won 12%
2012 Romney won 8%
2016 Trump 5%
DO you see something that pollsters dont? "I abesolutely do"
"I think we're a blue state, we're just alil confused. We haven't had candidates who have done the work of REALLY LIFTING UP every voice"
"We're not going to win trying to put together the old gaurd coalition, We have a new opportunity bc GEORGIA HAS CHANGED DRAMATICALLY IN LAST !% YEARS."
"…and we know that if we can take advantage of that CHANGE, we can actually get to victory."
"thought about running when she joined legislator"
"I've only gotten bad grades, D's and F's from the NRA" – only bad grades my parents were ever proud of,
"I'm very proud of the fact that I believe every resident in the state of Georgia deserves our protection"
"I'm completely ashamed of the xenophobic and racist retoric coming OUT OF the 'other side' And I want Everyone to understand, GA is a welcoming place." "We can't seek to be the #1 place for to do business, when people are terrified of being within our borders, and I know as the next Governor I will make sure everyone knows they are welcome in GA."
acroached upon
'I think theres a faction of the country that has that feeling, but I think there many more people, especially in GA, who understand that immigration is what helped built our state. AG is our #1 industry. We rely heavily on immigrant farmworkers, who come in, and help bring our crops to market. we are a state that has built our small buz using immigrants and their 'injenuity' but were also a state that we always understood we are more than just one thing. not a single issue state. and we have a very diverse and rich coalition. thats why im so excited about winning. if we knit together that coalition. if we go outside atlanta, go to the small communities, the suburbs, we have enough people with 'good will' and 'good ambition' that we can work together and win this election.
state relations in GA
I think that it's an important statement that I stand here today. That I am the first african american. The first woman. but more importantly, I'm a Georgian who understands that I want Latino, and Asian Pac Islander community, that I want every comm in GA to feel that they have a voice in our GOVT, that they have a voice in the future of our state. and what I think we see in the result, in how close dem was to GOP proformance, it shows that those voices are being 'lifted up'… our campaign was grounded in the idea that if we invest in those voices, people will lift them up, and they will vote. and we have seen that already, and we look forward expanding that heading into Nov.
similarities btw writing novels vs running for gov
"understand the diverstiy of our State.
"what i know is that its about telling a good story. and the good story for GA is our future is BRIGHT and with the right leadership everyone can participate and we all will have the opportunity to thrive. "