Anonymous ID: 1886fd Aug. 7, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.2501394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1662

Electronic Warfare "Think Saddam Hiding in His Hole Scarred out his fucking Mind" is Being deployed against the American People I know first hand here is my story. I sten'd to Hannity he said if you can't find job head ND I did when O'bummer killed that I came back home American Southwest, was kinda fucked up situation and no excuses got back on drugs ended up getting a 5 day sentence in county Jail.

I was released from County Jail at night and got a realy eerie like super creepy feeling of impending doom. especially if I were to leave the city center into the lesser lit sections. Upon arriving back at home I scrapped up some roached rolled one up went out back and discovered my RV had been broken into but got a really spine chilling or tingle up the back feelin upon seeing this, than that overpowering feeling on impendin doom. Freaked me the fuck out I didn't even want to go in and investigate it at first. Than a few days after that was smoking in my shed "RV" in shop and was what I though was the neighbor yelling ______ Police Department. I responded fuck you asshole "there were in there yard"

Several weeks later I have my trailer back by this time "People" have been fucking with me the whole time. So i am sheltered in my trailer chilling and than this fucking voice that sounded like it was right inside my trailer asked me "Whats your name", And started talking to me non stop since than.

Was like a Year or more before I found anything about Targeted Individual(s) or Learned anything about Voice To Skull, Extremely Low Frequencies, etc. Anyway Found Cait Ryan on jootube and Patriot Binney talking to her. The mere existance of this "Community" confirmed to me that this was something electronic and was not somehing "Wrong" with me.

Before than they had deployed a variety of tech of me.

Manipulation of Emotions, Goose Bumps, Fear etc the whole gambit like a sound board for the Targets emotions or those feeling that are produced like in you lizard brain "hear rattlesnake after feet already moved" that level of manipulation in live time.

Voice to skull, 24 hours a day a voice is there always. Super Negatve Super Critical Super Divisional. For example there was a couple month time where every woman my eyes swept over would trigger the Voice "AI" "SATAN SUPER COMPUTER" saying "Rapist" every fucking time man. Like every fucking time and than when I was at the store with my Father they send a lady in to tell me that the "Man over there" "My Dad" Was telling everyone I was a Rapist. See my only support system.

Compressed Audio, Comes across as a internal thought like they take out the unnecessary parts "for my brain to decode" compress it speed it up and it comes across inaudible. Literally you brain decodes it and the "Thought" "Solutin to the decoding" Appears in your head. Is very sinister in the way they deploy it.

Jacobs Ladder, Shadows Moving out the corner of you vision couple with the Voice to Skull of "Here they come" and the emotional manipulation with a very unfriendly visual overlay. Usually its shadows on the corners or hallways or entry ways into other parts of living quarters. Though I have been sitting here and they have done a "Shooting Gallery" of shadows moving from the opeing into my living room across the front of my desk into the dining room. Like ducks but shadow niggas instead.

Also they have a beam they hit you with contrants you muscles "soloplex, chest" etc they put me in the Emergency room Two times deploying this against me.

If not for my father know ing about spooks from the war he would of thought I was crazy and they me out. like a lot of our fellow Americans out there looking like they talking to the bushes, they are being experimented on / used as training or down right being attacked by a foreign power. It needs to stop.

God Bless You Anon, and God Bless Q.