Anonymous ID: 543b20 Aug. 7, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2501771   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No… all he does is scare new people away or affirm the beliefs of those who thinks conspiracy theorists are crazy.

It has been the hardest part for me, because i know people hear AJ rhetoric once i start talking about corruption.

He is a cancer to red-pilling and always has been.

There is no way of defending his bullshit.

I tried to tell you back in November… But no, he is a real patriot and only means well…

Until he attacked Q, and then you got pissed.

Most of you still don't understand how muc damage this asshole makes/has made.

Stop shilling for that faggot.

<This is my last post on the topic, I won't waste more time on that fat sack of shit.