Anonymous ID: 83e86b Aug. 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.2501170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1210



Tell Alex that sperging out exactly like AFuckingLongconBitch makes us all think of patterns you would prefer us all not to be reminded of.


And we're being reminded of them. The puddles aren't even dry yet from LongconBitch pissing and shitting themselves for weeks ffs….

Anonymous ID: 83e86b Aug. 7, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.2501386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I'm a dumb nigger who doesn't realize he replied to OP.

>holy shit a twofer


>ID a5347a claims to be OP


OP? You're not the baker. (Baker ID: 605e3a)

Anonymous ID: 83e86b Aug. 7, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2501767   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've pretty much gone into heckling mode..


Unless I see something go by that activates the almonds. I feel like I've been desensitized to too much sometimes…

Anonymous ID: 83e86b Aug. 7, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.2501839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



dammit I didn't want to spam this again.. FWIW the Train will roll on… Without the pretenders.


By the pretenders' own doing.


Trust the Plan. Be Best.