Anonymous ID: 9b7d6d Aug. 7, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.2501261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2500520 (last bread)

50% of the Iranian people live in poverty.



The Mullahs know this. They know it makes us angry for the people to suffer. Iran has had a chip on their shoulder since BP screwed them on their oil deal in 1909. They tried for 20 years to renegotiate that contract AND TO REQUIRE BP TO REPORT THEIR OIL EXPORTS. BP stole the entire country's oil supply into perpetuity.


They lost. Churchill was the lawyer for BP at the time. Iran got screwed big time. The "Shah" who was a shill for the CIA made the deal in the first place. The only way to resolve this was to socialize their oil reserves and change the government.


The Mullahs protect the honor of Iran. This won't be resolved until the oil deal SWINDLE is resolved.


Tell me that the rest of the Middle East does not know about one of their brother nations getting screwed. Naw. This bad deal will sit in the craw of the world until it is resolved and the Iranians retrieve their honor.

Anonymous ID: 9b7d6d Aug. 7, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.2501640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765



Alex Jones' line of supplements

will keep him wealthy well into retirement.

Without having to pay various salesmen

he now can keep the lion's share of profits.


Alex woke up a lot of people

He did his part

He's almost like John the Baptist

preparing us for a time when we can beat this game


If Trump hadn't run for Prez and won

maybe Jones would have led the charge himself

He's done good work.

Leave the dude alone.

Who knows but this isn't part of his own doing.

He can retire, make speeches when he feels like it

and sell his supplements.

People swear by his line of supplements.

Anonymous ID: 9b7d6d Aug. 7, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.2501863   🗄️.is 🔗kun




was used by many campaigns

included the Green Party


haven't done the research yet

but find it interesting


you may have to pretend to donate to a campaign

to get you far enough into their page

to discover where donated money goes


and they work from the same software