Anonymous ID: a5442f Aug. 7, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2501760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THOSE YOU TRUST THE MOST ARE THE MOST GUILTY. There are three MAJOR areas of life that we trust that have been corrupted.


JUDICIARY… judges, attorneys, DOJ, INT Agencies POLICE.


NEWS… 4th branch of government basically. The trust of the people to not be lied to and that was how it was with the law before. It was circumvented by these treasonous faggots and they will pay a HEAVY price. If Q will not arrest them all then it will be time to take the law into our hands. Lawfags, isn't there certain things in COMMON LAW of the land that allows for citizens to arrest corrupt police? We need study in this area as when SHTF it will come in handy when they try to round up the guns so we are "safe from crime".


RELIGION… Obvious one to most folks.



  1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS]. ←———

  2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]


I think the journalists who participated in betraying the TRUST of the public are going to get WRECKED like the shill nigger faggots they are. Any with foreign money and influence are going to get a flag stand literally shoved up their ass in GITMO.


But the ones we haven't really focused on would be all the faggot cops in their secret butt buddy societies and the ones that cover for the three letter agencies and participate in cover ups, murdering whistleblowers, and of course gang stalking and raping in accordance with CIA GLADIO teachings. They are trying to import mexi's and muzzie's to do this same thing. Europe is infested with GLADIO style groups of muzzie's raping women and men to groom them to be part of the sick program. Cops and judges are an integral part of the corruption cycle because they are the best tool to taking out corruption. We need to clean out our cops and judges because that's where the change can happen in any state. No effect happens to making new laws if they are scoffed at and you run in to the "Blue Shield" of a bunch of clowns in costumes with a badge that feel they can take away your rights.