Anonymous ID: ab4c96 Aug. 7, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.2501195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1231 >>1236 >>1273 >>1327 >>1603 >>1684 >>1749 >>1897

A couple of things about the wedge driving that's occurring here regarding Alex Jones.


The first thing to remember is the goal of wedge driving, and fracturing a community, is almost always to get you to quit as a result of infighting. They can't shut down or censor Q. They can't shut down or censor 8ch. They can't shut down or censor /qresearch/. They can't stop you from posting. They can't stop you from lurking. They can only make you not want to be here by making infuriating adversarial posts that make you feel unwelcome, and by media narratives about the other people here you're associating with. Media narratives involve curating content to create context so you come to the "correct" conclusion – a Q post here, a quote of an anonymous post there, an interview with a Trump supporter and a QAnon. If they can't find the content they need to lead you to the "correct" conclusion, they can manufacture it – make the post themselves, throw a Q shirt on an intern, et cetera. Remember these things, and they can't touch you.


Alex Jones is a great target. His listeners are almost entirely Trump supporters. There's no leftist collateral. He's known enough that they're not signal boosting him to a new audience by censoring him. He's wrong often enough that defense of him can be portrayed as defending fake news. Q made a post about Alex Jones once. This means AJ-listening Trump supporters can be divided against Q and QAnons on other platforms. It also means AJ-listening QAnons can be divided against Q and the other QAnons here by having QAnons use Q as the justification to turn on AJ. QAnon /pol/acks think Alex Jones is a kosher disinfo salesman. This means AJ-supporting QAnons can be divided against /pol/ack QAnons. Alex Jones makes for a great fracture point.


Also, one justification for abandoning him stood out to me: "It's good that he was censored because he makes us look crazy." Anyone can make you look crazy. Anyone can say someone else makes you look crazy to get you to help them silence the crazy guy. The truth makes you sound crazy to people who don't want to hear it. Consider any time you tried to talk to someone about Q. That justification is transparent COINTELPRO, it is clearly laying the foundation for the Trump supporters censoring QAnons, and QAnons censoring /pol/acks. It's nonsense, call it out if you see it.


On the plus side, Alex Jones isn't likely going anywhere. If they got rid of Alex Jones in full, more of his supporters might come here and get unfiltered information. Oy vey! So, he'll be back, with greater legitimacy than ever after his brave resistance to the Globalists who are Secret Nazis, might be Saudis, and are definitely NOT JEWS. It seems like a pulled-punch to me. His website's still up. When they attack non-kosher sites like us they do it at the DNS and domain registration levels. h8chan has an onion address to bypass DNS lookup, and bunkers to regroup at and migrate from. They shutdown our paypal, they shut down our patreon, they shut down any means to fund the operation. They don't pull punches with non-kosher sites.


That doesn't mean don't fight for him, because that apathy will be the basis of another wedge drive soon. It just means don't be too panicked that he's getting crushed out there and no one here's helping. Hold the line. Put up a united front. And keep in mind that the wedge-drivers can and will manufacture their own apathyposts now to lay the foundation for the next wedge drive, so don't spend too much effort arguing with one if you see one. Make a solid argument and move on.