Anonymous ID: 1a6fe0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.2502500   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2569




Red-Pilling someone to THE TRUTH, is a lot different than trying to con someone into a religion. There's power to TRUTH that cannot be measured with equipment, but it's the Key.


So I always talk about $$$

The Banks

Who Owns The Banks

Are Wars Good For Us

Who Owns The War Machine

Do You Live As Good As Your Grandparents

Wheres The Money

Why is Our Food Poisoned

Why is Our Water Posioned

Why Does Medical Care Cost So Much


Are You A Slave??


People KNOW. They just feel beaten and hopeless mostly and don't know what to do. Then the ones that show up saying, "Let's do something!!" have to be the bearer of bad news about all their heros and their world.


They aren't afraid of Usโ€ฆThey're scared to death that we're RIGHT


Respect and forgive their fear. Tell the Truth. Live the Truth. Pretty Simple & It Works.