GS: Marilyn, just to get you up to speed. You’re born into this, then you’re trained as a young child. You go through an induction ceremony in the Vatican. And this is going on with one to two percent of our population, according to Svali. Very serious, in all levels. Government, and everything else. Go ahead, Marilyn, do you have another question?
ML: Yeah. When you said the Vatican, now that is not a Christian religion, okay? Now I’m a Christian. Catholics is a Christian religion, we look at them as the precursor of the New World Religion. So…
GS: Well, you know, if I may just break in. I grew up a Catholic. I don’t get involved in the splicing of the religions. I’m basically stating that when I started researching the Illuminati as a reporter in Rome, and I realized there was a bad portion of the Church, I looked at it. I had to deal with the evil and the good. So that’s the way I reconciled it. The evil WITHIN the Catholic Church, at the high level of the Vatican , which seeps down into many, many areas. Go ahead.
ML: Okay, well I won’t argue that point.
SV: (crosstalk) Now… Now… Now…
ML: I won’t agree with it, but it sounds like you have become possibly Born AGAIN to get out of this? Would I be correct in that?
SV: Yes. Yes. Now I very much… Now first, I do want to say I am not slamming the Catholic Church or the average Catholic. I have many good friends that are Catholics, that are strong Christians. I became a Christian, and that was the only way I could get out. But just so you know, too, a lot of card-carrying Illuminists, well we don’t really carry cards, but I’m using that term…
ML: Yes.
SV: …are members of the Baptist church, are members of Pentecostal churches. It… This… I was on a worship team for a Wesleyan church in San Diego … in my day life. Okay?
ML: Oo-kay. Uh, yeah. Very, very confused. I mean, I, uh, I think this is interesting. Many people say that the Catholic Church will be the forerunner of the New World Religion. There’s some very good books out. In fact, I think you may have interviewed one of these men – the Grand Plan Design by John Daniels?
GS: Uh huh.
ML: You remember that?
GS: Uh…
SV: But, but…
GS: Go ahead.
SV: The average Catholic has no idea of what’s going on in the Vatican.
ML: Yeah, yeah. I think that’s interesting that, that the average Catholic would not know what’s going on. That’s just my take on it. (laughs)
GS: Well, I’ll tell you something. As an average Catholic going to Rome my first time in 1980, I didn’t know what was going on, and I grew up as a Catholic, went to Notre Dame High School. It was quite a learning experience for me.
ML: I think the Catholics, when they find out how evil the church is, stay in it! I mean, they really… why would they want to stay in it? That’s what bothers me. I know some good people who are like that. And I don’t get it! (Laughs)
GS: Well, the only answer is… it doesn’t… (bumper music starts) (laughs) I don’t know. There are many Catholics who aren’t actively practicing.