Anonymous ID: 6786c5 Aug. 7, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.2502037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2160 >>2565

Alex Jones may be considered a lunatic to most in the mainstream but he did open up most patriots. He may have had some difference of opinions with Qanon (mostly related Corsi and he did drop following Q after that controversy). We must stay united regardless of our differences. AJ was the lone media voice before Trump became POTUS and started calling out Fake News. It because of him that most of America tuned off MSM and eventually voted in Trump.


Americans need to rally against this collusion of the left with big tech to silence any differing conservative opinions. First they go for the extreme voice, then it will be 8chan/4chan. Then they will come for you. This is their way to silence the American voters while simultaneously compromising lead GOP members to rig the elections and get the majority Democrat votes.


For that purpose - they need Alex Jones gone.

Remember you are not a Russian bot contrary to what they brand you. This is the Orwellian way of how you become what they define you.

Anonymous ID: 6786c5 Aug. 7, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.2502160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2335 >>2347 >>2358 >>2366 >>2378



The advantage the Left cabal have is that they are well co-ordinated. It was not an enforcement of Terms of Service. They tell their minions to flood the broadcast complaints commission with any thing they see as violation of Terms and Service. They build enough complaints then the big tech can point at these (((complaints))) as the legitimate reason of why they banned him.


Conservatives on the other hand are not organized. Because we are not an organized cabal. We are chaotic grass roots movement where ordinary folks got fed up of corruption.


Instead of conservatives making "justification points" on Youtube, If enough conservatives organize to complain about the leftists (((journalism))) (starting with that Korean girl in NY Times) they too will be banned.


We the people need to rise up organize and complain

Anonymous ID: 6786c5 Aug. 7, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.2502203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2226 >>2384



In just one day he is banned off









LinkedIn (a profile of individuals - you don't even post political commentary here? Why would they take him out here).


If they have this kind of power to erase in one day what he created in 20 years - imagine the power of the big Tech.


Who made the tech companies the guardians of free speech??

Anonymous ID: 6786c5 Aug. 7, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.2502242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I can also see who is only redpilling


>themselves and those who are already 'woke'.


>That's a waste of time. Does not help.


Absolutely spot on. Fine points. We need people in the media (despite their lunacy) to keep waking up newbies.


Most of those in the #WalkAway movement I saw credited his films on YouTube as their waking moment.


Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson come later.


You need a shock jock to wake them up. And they got rid of him.