>>2501324 (lb)
Did "former militant anony…" just doxx himself?
see graphic [Viva Liberta]?
>blau, blau, blau to try to steer the Q movement in opposition to Alex Jones/InfoWars.
WTF!? AJ drew first blood. We didn't abandon him, he disowned us and pushed us away. I still listen to David Knight and Owen sometimes, but attacking Qanon and then a couple of weeks later attacking Jordan Peterson for no good reason, prompted me to unsubscribe and I had been a supporter for years. I am still grateful for his contribution to MAGA and Truth, but it is what it is.
If he practices what he preaches then he should have the insight to make a public apology to Qanons and ask forgiveness. That is what a real MAN does.
He doesn't have to blow smoke up Q's ass, just don't attack Q or us for seeking Truth from other sources.