No sign of winning in Cal at this point. Things are still bad. 2018 is not glorious, at all. More Obamanation here everywhere you look. Purge the voting rolls, deport deport deport. Currently, the richest state in the nation is lost to the Republic.
Oh, it's fucking real allright. Cal is burning down and these libtard fucks are worried about Trump's tweets about the fire more than the fire.
Ellis should salute Trump's picture every time he enters the Court lol.
Bushbama was a bona fide disaster for our country.
Typical career demoncrat: a long history of crooked, incompetent failure.
I used this to say there is a lot of disinfo out in the msm about Q rn, but here are some of the issues actually being discussed.
Q quit the trust the plan bullshit. Trust is earned, not demanded. Only trust what you see happen.
I like AJ in small doses, but listen more to Shroyer, Stone and Corsi. AJ is like cable news with an extra level of truthiness.
Maybe Killary?
The Judge doesnt want to hear any political bullshit. Prove the crime or gtfo.
Dont waste your money. Only unsealed indictments do us any good anyway.
2018 is so glorious.