Anonymous ID: 5f628d Aug. 7, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.2502864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2874 >>2902

AJ is taking one for the team.


"In a recent court filing, four law professors who specialize in free-speech issues said that Mr. Jones’s oeuvre was riddled with “absurd conspiracy theories” and urged a federal judge considering a lawsuit against him not to let him hide behind the First Amendment while publishing his rhetoric."


If AJ is not protected, then neither are:

  • Chris Cuomo

  • Rachel Maddox

  • Whoopi Goldberg

etc, etc, etc ….


Anytime they call Trump a liar or explain their unsubstantiated version of things, then they are spreading their own absurd conspiracy theories.


Remember what Q said about class action lawsuits.