Anonymous ID: 984ab8 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.2502845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>3010 >>3203 >>3368

Be careful who you follow

Have you all heard of the Alliance for Securing Democracy?

They have an awful lot to do with the social media censorship issue

They created an algorithm called Hamilton 68 after HR5181 passed

No real oversight & the committee members affiliations are dubious at best! Every single one listed below hates DJT & are all corrupt NWO elitists!

Michael Chertoff ~ worked in the George W. Bush administration

Mike McFaul ~ worked in the Obama administration as U.S. Ambassador to Russia

Toomas Hendrik ~ former Estonian president

William (Bill) Kristol ~ Yes that douche bag!

Jake Sullivan ~ Hillary Clinton foreign-policy adviser


Sauce on the Alliance & Hamilton 68 https: //


A good twitter thread on in here https: //