Anonymous ID: 9d64ef Aug. 7, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.2503156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Catholic seminarians are beginning to speak out against the homosexual rot. Maybe they can begin the cleansing that is so long overdue. God knows the laity is with them!

Victims recount sexual abuse horrors in Chilean seminary

“We need for the Church to understand that those of us who come forth are not the enemy. We want to help the Church clean itself, so there are no other Mauricios drugged and raped in the seminary, so there are no other Sebastians forced to massage a bishop so he feels pleasure, so there’re no other Marcelos forced to receive oral sex, and so there’re no other Johns raped by their spiritual directors.”

The stories are real. They belong to Mauricio Pulgar, Marcelo Soto, Sebastian del Rio and a fourth person, who will be described as “John Doe.” He’s asked not be identified because he’s not ready to go public with the allegations, but he represents many others…

Honduran Seminarians Allege Widespread Homosexual Misconduct

A Second Lincoln Seminarian Comes Forward to Detail Abuse