Anonymous ID: a47cad Aug. 7, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.2502931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2975 >>3181

I've made a few changes to the anonsw use javascript, mainly because I don't like the colors or the fade feature. I also prefer that spammers just disappear. Likewise with namefags. Thanks to anonsw for the awesome script.


1) You'll never see a Namefag again.

2) Spammers disappear @ 15 posts.

3) Highlights Q's posts and your replies.

4) Incorporates Nope Button to filter porn / gore / muh dick

5) Slimmed down the Navigation Bar @ right of page.

6) Changed Highlight Colors Back To Yellow.


Just copy / paste into your options ~ user javascript.