Anonymous ID: af9f3d Aug. 7, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.2503003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging "Propaganda"


This is not at all comforting: during a week that's witnessed Alex Jones' social media accounts taken down by Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google, and what appears to be a growing crackdown against alternative media figures including several prominent Libertarians, notably the Ron Paul Institute director, and the Scott Horton Show, who found their Twitter accounts suspended — we learn that the Atlantic Council is directly advising Facebook on identifying and removing "foreign interference" on the popular platform.


Supposedly the whole partnership is aimed at bringing more objectivity and neutrality to the process of rooting out fake accounts that pose the threat of being operated by nefarious foreign states.


And yet as a new Reuters report confirms, Facebook is now itself a top donor to the Atlantic Council, alongside Western governments, Gulf autocratic regimes, NATO, various branches of the US military, and a number of major defense contractors and corporations.


What's more is that the team of four total individuals running the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab) is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder.


Apparently the group's work has already been instrumental in Facebook taking action against over two dozen "suspicious pages" flagged potential foreign actors such as Russia. According to Reuters:


Facebook is using the group to enhance its investigations of foreign interference. Last week, the company said it took down 32 suspicious pages and accounts that purported to be run by leftists and minority activists. While some U.S. officials said they were likely the work of Russian agents, Facebook said it did not know for sure.


This is indeed the shocking key phrase included in the report:"Facebook said it did not know for sure." And yet the accounts were removed anyway.

Anonymous ID: af9f3d Aug. 7, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.2503330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nigel Farage call to arms regarding the censorship.


Nigel Farage Rages At Conservative Censorship: "This Isn't Capitalism, It's Corporatism & Autocracy"


Q starts talking about the legislation that allowed the extra funding for countering "fake" and now we have synchronisity of headlines. There are no coincidences I have learnt