Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:22 p.m. No.2502736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2775


>Is this a way to legitimize our research here by going after foreign country's dis info first? I am not a law / grant / gov funding fag but this may be an avenue to not only get funds via the HR, but legitimize ourselves using their own intent against them.

Unfortunately, names would necessarily be involved, and then we wouldn't be anon.



>Voter fraud in GA

REMEMBER: all election equipment and the process is now under DHS as it is legally considered "national security infrastructure" ergo, messing with/ subverting it/suborning voter or electoral fraud is a national security issue and puts it in a totally different legal category than basic criminal law!


Disappointed that more anons aren't seeing this and rejoicing.

Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.2502838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2859


Basically, Q said once (paraphrasing, sorry) that

>time will tell who is on the team and who is not

leading to speculation at the time, some pot stirring, spats & so on, but it died down.


You may or may not remember ridiculous drama with /otherboards/ BOs and behind the scenes famefagging fuckery. It got to the point where some claimed that they were actually Q and they did it as a LARP. Of course none of those people can explain how & why Q continues to post, and continues to be correct, but let the reader think for themselves.


Now, with the bill Q highlighted, plebbitors dug into it and their conclusion was:

>the disbursement of federal funds

was crucial to understanding WHY some supposedly upstanding alternative journalists immediately (upon media exposure) turned on Q

They had been getting federal funds, and that was their role. Some of those very people have now interviewed the supposed LARPERs/famewhores in an effort to discredit Q team and all the research that we anons have done.

Hand in hand - bad actors supporting each other


That's the way I took it anyway

Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.2502994   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and now? we're on "the web's TOP toxic slime pit!"

people banging on about our "credibility" miss the point entirely

it's not about US, it's about the data

sure mockingbirds will pull what they want from the threads they want to focus on - they would do that anyway

cowering and "cleaning up" to please mockingbirds is insanity and straight inane shilling

they would "discredit" and misrepresent us anyway -they always do


Just tell the truth, post facts from digs, collate those facts and, as Q requested:

>create graphics to calm and educate the public


That's all we're here for. It's what we do.


something something nothing is beyond our reach…

Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.2503125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3142


>it got me thinking about how often this is happening. I have seen a lot of fellow Patriots talking about this happening

Welp, it was bound to happen, wasn't it? How many Patriots who were formerly of that community do you think are noticing and getting mad over it?


Is it not the same shit the fb/twat/etc are doing? Silencing those with a dissenting opinion? Those who have an uncomfortable point? A point (or many) that can't be refuted adequately?

While you may be hurt/surprised/mad, it's a fantastic thing!!

An excellent thing!

Think about it:

the more repression of Patriots on once "safe" platforms, the better

the more repression on those once "safe" platforms for people like YOU and other normal, healthy Patriots, the better


They are making is more and more obvious that it is about repressing everyone who isn't Marxist (or whatever catchy name you like to call them instead, idk)!

They cannot handle dissenting opinions

They cannot handle facts that cause them discomfort

They cannot handle FACTS

They can only respond with repression.

How does that affect someone on the fence?? Does it maybe push them off of the fence?

Do you think they hop over to the side that is repressing them? Hell no.


It's wonderful! Embrace it, revel in it, and rejoice.

It is a sign of utter helplessness and loss of control.

It means we're WINNING

Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2503174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're right of course.

The fuckery was allowed in Alabama for the same reason it's allowed to go on now:

would you rather catch a few smaller fish


the big fish, the one at the head that's causing the rot?

A narrow net might get you some, but a bigger net will reap a bigger score.

Election fuckery now justifies all the measures in the pipeline for actual elections later, justified also by the "Russian meddling" line the Administration is accepting. The latter is a pretext for the other party's historical election fraud and voter fraud (via voters or machinery or the process/counting itself).


It's glorious!

Anonymous ID: b3a2a0 Aug. 7, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.2503418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1 & 2 are good



again: how can any of those famewhores who claim to have made Q as a LARP explain how Q is still posting & still being correct?

Just listening to them is enough to know they aren't smart enough to pull it off for 1 month much less 9