Anonymous ID: fe78d7 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2503072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3185



McNoName confessed to war crimes.


Many tapes were made by him.

These tapes were played on the loud speakers in the military prisons.


They made a big deal about Jane Fonda

giving moral support and defense to "the enemy"

but these recordings surely struck at the heart of American prisoners who had held to their directive to not give any information.

Perhaps some American prisoners got the idea

that they too should tell all they knew about their missions in Vietnam.

Perhaps they learned that

if they needed medical treatment

that all they had to do was spill the beans

and they, too, could get excellent care.


Naw. McNoName was known as a hot shot.

Likely responsible for the destruction of several airplanes due to his dare devel tricks.

There was also an incident where a funny trick was played on the deck of a ship


filling the tank with fuel

jump starting it

which makes a big flash out the back

at least one soldier was killed

many planes were damaged


McNoName was scrubbed from the records.

Anonymous ID: fe78d7 Aug. 7, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.2503185   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also: I forgot a really GUD part


Families of MIA and POWs had formed groups

to appeal to Congress to have their records released to them.


McNoName not only locked up those records into perpetuity (which contained his own records, of course)

but by the time he got finished lambasting the wife of a MIA soldier



there's video of this out there

McNoName is a cruel, selfish,spoiled son of an admiral, traitorious SON OF A BITCH


There are some videos of former Congressmen who exposed this man.