>>2503832 (lb)
Murdoch is a Zionist heavily invested in the Syria debacle. Fox News is controlled opposition and like many of these operations was not designed to last much past the election of HRC imo. Murdoch is a major reason why Australian culture has become debased. Same with the UK.
Knowing what we know about the pedo SRA problem in all the 5 eyes, and given what we know about the cabals control of the means of communication, and given what we know about Robert Maxwell...it would be very odd if Murdoch did not know more than he has ever really been suspected of.
What would be the state of the MSM including Latex Jones right now, today, if the cabal had their way and nuked Hawaii? Right. Martial law under Clinton the puppet as foreign powers move in the helper anon you fucking glow mode to take bits and pieces of actual real estate here and there and so on.
That's why outing everyone is vital. If you profess belief B&D time that Q is in simple terms M.I. (with some Signal Corps to keep them in-line) and friends (as perhaps FBI-ANON was), then what do we all make of the attack on Hawaii? That was part of their 16 year plan wasn't it? Whether DJT was elected or not, I might have that wrong but I thought that was learned opinion at this point.
I'd think every single governor would be under scrutiny from anons every one without a single exception given that (((they))) had just about all their pieces ready in-place - a bit like the idea of dignity of the office...how do we know for instance that governor Y is a bad person? The office itself tells you. The inverse of St. Joseph - how do we know he was very special? Dignity of The Office - from all eternity out of all possible humans and of all possible Joseph's that one was chosen; same idea of course with Mary.
Not complicated.
Look at Democratic governors and Democrat mayors and arrest them. No exceptions. None. All of them.
Why not? All their pieces in-place or moving on up to get in for the big post Hawaii shit-show which as a religious minority hostile to all things novus ordo would have resulted in my internment in a FEMA camp DJT recently exposed before being guillotined with my raped wife and raped daughters all looking on waiting their turn.
You see...i believe what I just wrote and if anyone turns out to have been shilling for the Georgia guidestones gag I vote we just hug it out and exchange gifts.
INTO DESOLATION!!!!! :-((((((((((