of course when Balderson takes the lead again a shit ton of votes come in from Franklin and give it back to the Dem
Franklins reporting at 99% so as long as Balderson's vote lead holds in Delaware for the rest of the reporting he should come out ahead
Balderson took the lead!!
Fucking A that 1% of the vote not reported in Franklin needs to finalize as the number of votes based on the votes already counted could give the Dem enough to close the gap, no doubt fuckery is afoot
exactly there's no reason why Franklin county isn't finalized and gee surprise that based on the votes counted there already in volume even 1% of the remaining could be enough to swing it back to the Dem
Baldersons lead should hold but this was way to close and November is going to be another tough race that must be won
Another plus even though a primary is that John James did very well in Michigan which bodes well for his chances in November