Anonymous ID: 0b9a01 Aug. 7, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2504984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4999 >>5009 >>5034 >>5062 >>5071 >>5181 >>5215 >>5585 >>5707

USC president steps down in wake of sex-abuse scandal


University of Southern California President C. L. Max Nikias stepped down Tuesday in the wake of a sex-abuse scandal involving a campus gynecologist in which school administrators faced criticism they ignored decades of complaints.


Nikias, who had been president since 2010, agreed to relinquish his role "effective immediately" but becomes president emeritus and a life trustee of the school, according to a letter to faculty, students and alumni from Board of Trustees Chair Rick J. Caruso.


Trustees hope to find his successor within four to six months, Caruso said.


Wanda M. Austin, who is a board member, was appointed interim president.


"She is a professional of impeccable integrity and character," Caruso wrote.


Austin holds a USC engineering degree and was president and CEO of her own company, The Aerospace Corp. She is a former member of the President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology and currently is on the boards of Chevron and Amgen, according to Caruso.


Austin is "a strong advocate for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines as well as for minorities and women," he wrote.


Nikias, 65, agreed in May to step down at an unspecified date. He and the school faced accusations that they ignored decades of complaints against Dr. George Tyndall, a gynecologist who worked at a university clinic for 30 years.


Tyndall, who has since retired, is the focus of some two dozen lawsuits and a police investigation into allegations involving at least 50 women.


The lawsuits allege Tyndall routinely made crude comments, took inappropriate photographs and forced plaintiffs to strip naked and groped them under the guise of medical treatment.


Nikias also came under fire after reports in the Los Angeles Times that USC medical school dean Dr. Carmen Puliafito associated with criminals and people who used drugs and had been captured on video apparently smoking methamphetamine.


Puliafito gave up his post in 2016 but remained a faculty member until USC fired him last year.


In his letter, Caruso promised reforms.


"As I have said previously, it is evident that the recent crises have resulted from systemic and cultural failures," he wrote. "Both the behavior and the environment that allowed it to persist are inexcusable and will no longer be tolerated."


Caruso said a law firm hired in May to investigate the Tyndall allegations had interviewed more than 100 witnesses and collected 4.5 million documents.


He also noted that the school has a newly formed Office for Professional Ethics to monitor and investigate complaints.

Anonymous ID: 0b9a01 Aug. 7, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2504993   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Anonymous ID: 0b9a01 Aug. 7, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.2505044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5086 >>5608 >>5707

More Progress on Dismantling Facilities at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station


A 38 North exclusive with analysis by Joseph S. Bermudez Jr.


Commercial satellite imagery from August 3 indicates additional dismantlement activities are ongoing at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station since last observed. At the vertical engine test stand, used for testing and development of engines for ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles, the North Koreans have continued to tear down the steel base structure and appear to be removing fuel and oxidizer tanks from dismantled bunkers.


At the launch pad, work on the rail-mounted processing/transfer structure used to support rocket launches continues, with two-thirds of the west wall and a third of the north wall having been removed, and its components remain on the adjacent ground. While the launch pad activity seems to be related to dismantlement, as it stands right now, we cannot rule out the possibility that it could be the beginning of a project to modify the structure for other purposes.


While dismantlement of the vertical engine test stand represents a fulfillment of Chairman Kim’s agreement with President Trump conveyed publicly during the post-Singapore Summit press conference, activity at the launch pad appears to go beyond that commitment. These activities, however, must be viewed cautiously as “first steps” since neither are presently permanent or irreversible. The demolition of the test stand’s concrete foundations, launch pad’s gantry tower, pad foundation and exhaust deflector, etc., would represent more permanent and irreversible actions as there is no known facility with equivalent capabilities elsewhere in the country.[1] The coming months should provide more firm indications whether these are indeed the “first steps” in reducing the North Korean ballistic missile threat.

Anonymous ID: 0b9a01 Aug. 7, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2505440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ahmadinejad Urges End To US Dollar Hegemony: "Current [World] Order Needs To Change"


As US re-imposes sanctions on Iran, former two-term Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken out against the current US hegemony.


As RT notes, Ahamdinejad says the dollar is one of the major pillars of US dominance over global finance and trade; calling for change in the current world order.

Anonymous ID: 0b9a01 Aug. 7, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.2505504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5593 >>5626

JOHN SOLOMON BOMBSHELL: FBI Hid Bruce Ohr Back Channel to Steele and Clinton Camp to Defraud FISA Court (VIDEO)


John Solomon strikes again!

New emails obtained by Congress show Christopher Steele funneled information to the FBI through top DOJ official Bruce Ohr after the FBI ‘terminated’ Christopher Steele in November of 2016.


Chairman Meadows tweeted: Critical development: NEW emails obtained by Congress show Chris Steele was secretly funneling information to the FBI in 2017 through senior DOJ official, Bruce Ohr, even after the FBI claimed Steele was ‘terminated’ for leaking to the media in November 2016