Anonymous ID: 170e9e Aug. 7, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.2505405   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's a good question. But there is no simple answer. Because we don't know the plan.


But I think it's fair to say that between now and the election some arrests will be made. Probably not high ranking dems.

If they did that it would be too easy for the mockingbirds to create mass hysteria about Trump arresting his political opponents.


Instead, look for them to go after the dem's Achillie's Heel. Hollywood. (Pedowood).


Imagine if all the actors, singers, and performers that support dem candidates started getting rounded up.

Imagine that the evidence of their crimes was irrefutable.

Then tie them to popular media outlets that supported them.

Then show evidence that those media outlets knew, and did nothing. Or worse, helped cover it up.

Then tie those media outlets to … news outlets. Fake news outlets.

Then show evidence that the fake news media knew, and did nothing. Or worse, helped cover it up.


See where this is leading?

Which party is supported so slavishly by the fake news media?


The only question for me is at which stage do Trump and the white hats (Q) kill the 4AM narrative?

At the moment when the fake news is at their most vulnerable.

Watch them try to go on the air without marching orders. LOL

They have no idea how to do real journalism or research. It's been spoon-fed to them for years.


Death by a thousand cuts. 3 months of non-stop grinding away at them, but no direct attacks.


That's what I think.