Anonymous ID: 10e7da Aug. 8, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.2508130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8137 >>8189 >>8457 >>8521

Stumbled across a CIA Operation called The Quake which is aimed at crippling Russia in every way possible & I ran into Bill Browder.


The “Magnitsky Trio” Pushes For War With Russia with New Sanctions


If half of what I have come to understand about the Curious Case of Bill Browder is true, then the “Magnitsky Trio” of Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Ben Cardin are guilty of espionage, at a minimum.


Why? Because they know that Browder’s story about Sergei Magnitsky is a lie. And that means that when you tie in the Trump Dossier, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, the Skripal poisoning and the rest of this mess, these men are consorting with foreign governments and agencies against the sitting President.


As Lee Stranahan pointed out recently on Fault Lines, Cardin invited Browder to testify to Congress in 2017 to push through last year’s sanctions bill, a more stringent version of the expiring Magnitsky Act of 2011, which has since been used to ratchet up pressure on Russia.


Cardin knew there were problems with Browder’s story about Magnitsky’s death and yet brought him into Congress to testify to secure the vote.


That’s suborning perjury, as Lee points out.


Just the holes in Browder’s story about Magnitsky’s death are alone enough to warrant a perjury charge on him. If you haven’t read Lucy Komisar’s detailed breakdown of Browder’s dealings then you owe it to yourself to do so.


Seems to me that the Deep State was trying to take out Putin when Trump accidentally won the election. Now they are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone.

Anonymous ID: 10e7da Aug. 8, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.2508270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy SHIT man! I got lost!! I was in here… then all of a sudden I started seeing all these fucking clocks. I was scrolling down and there were so many. I couldn’t understand any of them. Not a fucking one! I noticed all these, “hey clockfag”, “is there any clockfag who can..”, “awesome artwork clockfag!” I was in there for 30-40 minutes maybe longer, I was getting a headache and was about to quit for the night then I looked & noticed I was in Clockwork Orange. Pretty trippy.. I don’t understand the clocks. At. All.

Anonymous ID: 10e7da Aug. 8, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.2508404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8413

How does this faggot’s tweets show up right under a potus tweet every single time? I swear jack is a buttrammer. Gotta be a bump or something. I hate Ed’s guts. >>2508243