Anonymous ID: 1f221b Aug. 8, 2018, 4:31 a.m. No.2508612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645



If Q never existed, then Q should have been created by the Trump admin to counter the DeMS-13-MSM narrative and slowly red pill the nation.

Since Q does actually exist and has indeed done that, then great. We just don't know who Q is yet and the drops require context, which confused those trying to fake their news about Q/anons into thinking mass smear pieces didn't need actual reporting or logic.

Just because some randoms at rallies picked for mockery can't fully explain it on the spot doesn't mean it can't be studied and understood.


Since Q made certain highly intelligent representations, white hats in power logically should have been involved one way or another in an attempt to analyze and guide Q and Q information consumers. They should have learned a massive amount about modern comm ops.

Even an initial LARP should have been commandeered by the very people the LARPer was representing for national security ops. After all, the black hats have infiltrated and control the rest of U.S. media. So it's not like it's a novel idea for white hats to counter. The difference would be Q's message of true national security, true unity and true justice for all, which is missing in both Fake News and complicit conservative news. Ergo Q has naturally filled that vacuum.

Anonymous ID: 1f221b Aug. 8, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.2508735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree, those in the know became fully aware of the plan to turn the U.S. into a failed state the moment the one who we can't say his name was nominated (probably to take a dive for the multiculti Red-Green avatar of hope and change).

Then once Hussein used the IRS to destroy uniparty political opponents, fix a second term, domestic spy on and purge patriots, it became obvious that every future election would be rigged if nothing was done to halt the evil. That threat remains, so here we are.